Behind the Scenes: Journalists Get an Exclusive Look at Cosmopink specimens’ Preservation RoomS

As we announced recently, the CosmoPink exhibit has taken the world by storm. The museum has also been receiving significant media attention, with many journalists and news outlets coming to cover the launch and the exhibit. The museum has been accommodating to these requests, with many interviews being conducted with the scientists and curators behind … Continue reading Behind the Scenes: Journalists Get an Exclusive Look at Cosmopink specimens’ Preservation RoomS

CosmoPink Exhibit Blasts Off to a Stellar Start at Xenobiology Museum

The Xenobiology Museum's CosmoPink exhibit has officially opened its doors, and the response has been out of this world! From the moment the exhibit was announced, excitement had been building in the scientific community and beyond. And on opening day, the crowds came in droves, eager to witness the incredible bioluminescent display for themselves. As … Continue reading CosmoPink Exhibit Blasts Off to a Stellar Start at Xenobiology Museum

Translucent Horrors: The Xenoglass Art of Mara Kurosawa

Step into the eerie and fascinating world of artist Mara Kurosawa, whose glass art pieces for the Xenoglass exhibit are inspired by the legendary xenomorph creature. Xenomorphs are one of the most terrifying creatures ever imagined. These alien monsters are the stuff of nightmares, with their sleek black bodies, razor-sharp teeth, and acid blood. They … Continue reading Translucent Horrors: The Xenoglass Art of Mara Kurosawa

Beyond Blue and Green: The Challenge and Triumph of Preserving the Vibrant CosmoPink Bioluminescence in the new Xenobiology Museum’s Collections

The Xenobiology Museum has always been at the forefront of scientific discovery, exploring and studying the diverse array of non-humanoid alien life found in the cosmos. Recently, the museum made headlines when the renowned photographer, Cameron Clarke, captured some incredible images of pink bioluminescent alien species. see the gallery These specimens have proven to be … Continue reading Beyond Blue and Green: The Challenge and Triumph of Preserving the Vibrant CosmoPink Bioluminescence in the new Xenobiology Museum’s Collections