Cosmopink: the exclusive exhibit

Welcome to CosmoPink: The Exclusive Exhibit. This revolutionary display showcases some of the most stunning and rare bioluminescent alien species.

What makes this exhibit truly unique is that the specimens are not just preserved, but their bioluminescence has been enhanced and locked in permanently through a method created by the Xenobiology Museum itself.

Named “LuminovaFix,” this patented method allows for the preservation and enhancement of the CosmoPink, the natural pink bioluminescence found in certain alien species, previously shown by the talented photographer Cameron Clarke.

Don’t miss this incredible opportunity to see some of the most fascinating and beautiful bioluminescent alien life in the galaxy, preserved and enhanced through the innovative techniques of the Xenobiology Museum!

Idea: Marie-Sophie Germain
Text: ChatGPT4 (prompt by Marie-Sophie Germain)
Photos: MidJourney (prompt by Marie-Sophie Germain)