Behind the Scenes: Journalists Get an Exclusive Look at Cosmopink specimens’ Preservation RoomS

As we announced recently, the CosmoPink exhibit has taken the world by storm. The museum has also been receiving significant media attention, with many journalists and news outlets coming to cover the launch and the exhibit. The museum has been accommodating to these requests, with many interviews being conducted with the scientists and curators behind … Continue reading Behind the Scenes: Journalists Get an Exclusive Look at Cosmopink specimens’ Preservation RoomS

CosmoPink Exhibit Blasts Off to a Stellar Start at Xenobiology Museum

The Xenobiology Museum's CosmoPink exhibit has officially opened its doors, and the response has been out of this world! From the moment the exhibit was announced, excitement had been building in the scientific community and beyond. And on opening day, the crowds came in droves, eager to witness the incredible bioluminescent display for themselves. As … Continue reading CosmoPink Exhibit Blasts Off to a Stellar Start at Xenobiology Museum

Shedding Light on Bioluminescent Aliens: Exploring the Reasons Behind the Bias

When exploring alien worlds, one cannot help but marvel at the abundance of bioluminescent creatures. But have you ever wondered why this is the case? Is it just our bias, or is there a scientific explanation?